When many people hear the word self-hypnotism, they often think of some magical event that takes away one’s consciousness. It is however simpler and more natural than this. Self-hypnotism is an unconscious or conscious shift from one mental state to another; it is a process where the mind delves into series of shifts in order to achieve a useful, creative, and relaxed mental state.
Many people are often not able to achieve this mind shift by themselves; therefore, there are professional hypnotists who are trained to facilitate a trance state, or guide an individual towards his/her objective or goal. But, irrespective of professional help, all hypnotic processes involve some level of self-hypnotism because willingness is required for one to achieve a shift of mind.
Self-hypnotism has been practised regularly over the years and is known to have enormous benefits for human beings. It is a completely safe and non-toxic way of eliminating pains from the body, as well as rejuvenating and strengthening the physical body and mind.
Because of the level of mental peace and balance achieved, self-hypnotism also helps to stimulate increased focus and awareness. It allows people to easily control stubborn habits and even helps one modify or dump such habits entirely.